I do indeed, love when my beauty stars align with beauty sample deliveries. Last night I received a sample of Caress Whipped Souffle Bodywash in Blackberry Vanilla.
When I was growing up, there was always a box of kittens nesting in the cedar basement, of my Grandparent's Brooklyn home. They were prodigies of Audrey, their cat and the neighborhood slut. I remember firm warnings about, "Cat Scratch Fever" and being doused with Bactine.
After surveying the nicks and nibbles inflicted by Scoots, (for sure there is eagle blood coursing through his veins; he is definitely sporting talons), I thought it would be prudent to wash every inch of my body, with an old fashioned bar of Anti-bacterial Dial Soap. Best to avoid "Cat Scratch Fever"...don't ya think???
After imagining that I would shrivel instantly from a soap I normally associate with a Surgical unit, I was smitten with the texture of Caress Souffle Bodywash. It is light, rich and silky, (definitely moisturizing enough to use in place of shaving lotion) and has a pleasant berry fragrance, not overly cloying or pungent, (which is sometimes the downfall of mass market bodywashes). It was utterly soothing and just what I needed. It is also available in Peach.
For $4.99 in a whopping 15 oz. bottle, this product has the feel of an upmarket bodywash and left me feeling soft and super clean...and I got to skip the Bactine.
So Kittens, give this one a whirl...it's a beauty bargain and one that I will purchase in the future.
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