Women, all over the country, are getting very resourceful. There is a strong uptick, toward D.I.Y., (Do-It-Yourself) beauty. As a Personal Shopper, I can also attest to the latest shopping phenomenon, S.I.M.C, ("shopping in my closet"). Believe me, I get it and I am doing both...The recession, it seems is new Mama of invention.
It's not your imagination--- CVS beauty aisles are packed, with women loading up their hand held, shopping baskets...What is flying off the shelves in record numbers??? Nail care, hair color and waxing and depilatory products. Apparently, when push comes to shove, we can dip and rip, with the best of 'em.
Here is what I am doing, to stretch my beauty and fashion budget this spring:
1) My "weekly" manicure now takes place every 10 days. To accomplish this, I am wearing my unworn rubber gloves, refreshing with a coat of Nailtiques, every other day and have recently purchased Sally Hansen's, Insta-Dri Nail Color, (in Petal Pusher). It does dry, as promised, in 60 seconds and one coat, refreshes my manicure, acceptably. I also buy, Milani nail polishes, to fill in chips and nicks on my pedicures. A full coat will buy me another week or two, between visits.
2) I have "Brogged", (Brag/Blog), about my being the real inventor of Clairol's, Root Perfect Touch-Up Kit, (Deep Roots, April 2008). To keep my grays at bay, for years, I improvised, by using Just For Men's, Beard and Moustache kit, with pretty much, the same result. Now, in addition to stray grays, I purchase 2 kits, and actually use one as directed at the 5-6 post salon visit, mark. Root Perfect is simple and effective. It allows me to stretch my professional visits by another two weeks. If your hair looks faded, try a color infused shampoo. For brunettes with highlights, try Aveda's Clove shampoo.
3) Instead of monthly bikini waxes, I am taking care of my own business, with my Venus Embrace razor. This thing could scrape barnacles off the hull of ship. You might be surprised, how little you will miss, contorting like a Chinese acrobat, in a wisp of panties, before a wax wielding stranger.
4) I love CVS. CVS, has a "no questions asked", return policy with their Beauty products. Simply hold on, to your packaging and receipt and take it back!!! (try that, at Bloomingdales). I appreciate it for two reasons; I find that product is significantly less test driven in the store, because people know if they goof, they can bring it back. The second, is because, I do goof, all the time, but I have also found some incredibly, great products, that rival my faves from Nars, Laura Mercier, Smash Box, Fresh, and other great companies, for a fraction of the cost. Just this week, I picked up a N.Y.C.'s, "Union Square", eyeshadow quad, for $3.99. It is beyond perfect. I haven't used all four colors in a quad, since 5th grade. Rather than feeling deprived, I simply feel clever.
That's how I am surviving on the beauty front. Next time I will tell you how to spend some quality time, shopping at home...How YOU doin??? Email me your tips and tricks...after all, we are all in this together.