Everyone has their limitations. Mine are numerous, but generally confined to reading maps, following printed instructions and mastering anything vaguely technical, which includes gift wrapping.
I am never the first one to be sporting the newest gadget, because it requires skill, to master them. I finally purchased a cell phone, after I was stuck on the West Side Highway for four hours, (due to a fatal head on collision), with no way to contact my housekeeper or near frantic husband. I bought an IPod, only after the lovely man at the Apple Store, showed me that there was a whole library of music to choose from, and would not require me to try to resurrect my favorites from memory. And I finally cracked and bought a Blackberry, when I realized, this past December, that it was the quickest way, to be in touch with my client's husbands, about Holiday gifts, deftly, sidestepping their Assistants. It's a Brave New World out there Mrs. Flinstone...get with the program!
And so, I have been a Tivo hold out, because I get palpitations, just thinking about the instruction manual. Tonight, I have reached the point where action must be taken, albeit too late...
Both the Real Housewives of the Orange County and Nip/Tuck , are on at 10 p.m. How can I possibly choose??? I simply, cannot take my eyes, off the O.C. Housewives freckle laden, massive implants, snowy veneers, frozen foreheads and stringy extensions. It's human nature...could I avert my eyes, when I finally got to pass that car crash??? Of course not. This is my idea of heaven.
Nip/Tuck, back for the new season, has gorgeous, womanizing, Christian Troy, battling breast cancer. The previews for tonight, showed Christian, hooking up with a beauty, at his breast cancer support group. Despite not having a brca 1 or 2 mutation, the hook up, has an extensive family history of breast cancer, and wants to go ahead with a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. On this subject, I am somewhat of an expert, having helped many women, find their way to Dr. Andrew Salzberg, my genius Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Salzberg pioneered a procedure that moi, nicknamed the "Alloderm One Step". What this spectacular procedure accomplishes, for women, at familiar high risk, is to dramatically reduce their breast cancer risk, in one surgery, with beautiful cosmetic results. It is a brilliant option and a real life one, at that, (check out www.mybreastreconstruction.com and for support and friendship www.Facingourrisk.org).
My mind is made up...I know I won't be able to resist seeing what type of surgery, if any, Dr. Troy recommends. Though T.V. medical dramas, take huge liberties with facts and reality, at least on some level, it raises awareness. Somehow, I will find out, if Vicki manages to dupe Don, into selling their vacation house, to pay for the new boat---If I only had a brain...