At 2:00 p.m. today, I was still in my nightgown. I was prepared to stay that way all day, until a miraculous thing occurred...the sun came out. How many weeks can this go on? I am contemplating a bone density test---by now, surely, every bit of calcium and Vitamin D, has been leached from my bones. I am way past cranky, I am officially surly.
I owe the Totalbeauty team a review and Blog about two Loreal HIP, (High Intensity Pigment) products I received. What are the odds, that of the 5000 or more beauty items available, I already purchased them both??? This is where it gets tricky too. I am obliged to write about them truthfully. Take the HIP Kohl Eyeliner.
I purchased it two months ago, in the same navy color I was sent. I was attracted to the idea of "kohl", because it triggered memories, of an early obsession, with Madeline Mono's kohl eyeliners, that I used to save up to buy, at Gilliar's Drug Store in Great Neck. I had high hopes...I always do, but I wasn't prepared to be assaulted, by an applicator that was as sharp as ice pick. Fortunately, this could never have been tested on an animal. If it had, the howl might have prompted someone to give it a whirl on a human. Were they really recommending we line our delicate lids with an awl??? Apparently.
When all is said and done, I can forgive pain, if in fact, the "loose powder did glide on velvety-smooth" and stayed put. Instead, I ended up dotted with nit sized, navy freckles. Removing them, without having to start my makeup over from scratch, required the delicate skill of a neurosurgeon.
Better things can be said for HIP's Presso Lip Gloss. Cleverly, two lip glosses are packaged together. You can either use them individually, or squeeze the tube together to combine them. The colors are flattering and have a slight iridescent glow to them. Best of all, the applicator didn't hurt!
That's always a plus. It actually fits comfortably, on the contours of your lips. It did take me 45 minutes to figure out how to open it, but I may be in the minority here.
I know my Mother is tssk tssking as she is reading this Blog. On the one hand Mom, I did use common sense and did not continue putting a sharp object near my eyeball. Believe me, I didn't forget the golden rule, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all", but like I said, it's tricky. My fingers are simply tied. Would I have kept this tale awl to myself? Absolutely, (and Loreal would have probably preferred it), but they asked and I answered...yup, I am Beauty Duty Bound and I take my Blog seriously, ya know???
First do no harm...
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