I hope everyone has been enjoying their Holidays! December is a busy month in retail, (though I've been busier), so I had less time to devote to my Blogging.
Christmas Day was a fabulous family gathering at our home, with guests from Geneva, California and Toronto. I know I must be doing something right, when my younger brother Steven, pulled me aside to find out some skin care tips...,"What's the routine"? "Way too complicated, you wouldn't have the patience". "Okay, then just tell me the one thing, I can't do without".
Easy. Get yourself a prescription for Retin-A. Despite terrific advances, in over the counter creams and "cosmeceuticals", as designed by well known Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons, nothing, has proven more effective, in over 25 years of study.
In my book, this is the key to jump starting any skin care routine. Retin-A and it's cream based cousin Renova, are clinically proven to increase cellular turnover, reduce fine lines and lighten age spots. I like mine in a micro gel formulation. Retin-A works best in moderation, and the stronger strengths should be worked up to over time. You can avoid redness and peeling, by using a pea sized amount every other night, then applying your night cream over it.
"That's it"? "Yup, it's the MVP in my arsenal". "But I would be embarrassed to ask for a prescription"..."Gee Bud, that's your problem. You could always confess to "adult acne", intstead".
For the record, nothing zaps zits better than something cooked up at the pharmacy. Sometimes, a little dab, will do you, as long as there is a little chemical zing to it.
Thanks Girls!
ReplyDeleteSame to you, of course. I just looked at your blog, which is wonderful!!!
I love your suggestion. I am somewhat of a technical idiot, and am delighted to work with you for our mutual benefit.
I think I should resolve in the New Year, to really learn how the best Bloggers are growing their audience. Your is a good role model!