Two to report: I woke up yesterday, with a tell tale scratchy throat. Translation, a cold will be in full bloom within the next 12 hours. I was at work, scrounging around for some Advil, when my friend Linda said, "no, no. Let's go to your office. We have to swab your nostrils with "Zicam". Huh? "Just come on, this stuff is incredible"...
Zicam, is a homeopathic medicine, that when taken at the onset of symptoms, clinically, reduces a colds duration, by 75%. Linda swears by it and goes as far as carrying it in her handbag and leaving some packets, in her car. She popped a swab out of a sealed foil, that is presoaked with Zincum Gluconium. It has no unpleasant smell and does not require you to access your brain cavity, just the inside of your nostrils. "Swab on one side, than the other and inhale deeply. Do both sides again and repeat in two hours". You are going to thank me.
Linda, thank you!!! My first sneeze occurred three hours later, followed by two more. Today, barely a sniffle!!! Zicam, in my opinion, is right up there with Penicillin. Why aren't more people talking about it??? I am going to start carry them to parties and will administer it personally, if necessary, to get the word out. This is a momentous contribution to the evolution of man kind. Git going to CVS, pronto.
Revelation number two: My friend Angela, who is a knock out, (picture a blond Anne Hathaway), had a sample of Diorskin Forever Foundation. She never uses foundation. Did I want it? Naturally! .
The following morning, I put a small amount in my palm, and applied it with my fingers. The next day I used a synthetic foundation brush...either way, I was flawless!!! It is almost hard to explain the difference between Diorskin Forever and any other foundation I have used...rather than feeling like something else is being applied to your skin, it seamlessly vanishes, yet the comfortable, silky, gel like consistency covers every pore, freckle and capillary. The icing on the cake, is that it is extraordinarily, long wearing (yet washes off easily). All day perfection!
I immediately called my sister Loren to report an off the charts, cosmetic score. She hightailed it to Sephora, and called my cell. "Which Dior foundation is it"? "You didn't write it down"? "No". Like a separate species, Dior of course, has several foundation offerings. As I continued steering with my thighs, I rummaged through my handbag, to rummage through my make up case, to find the sample. "It's Diorskin Forever".
Verdict??? "Forever" is forever. She loved it, as much as I did and you will too. Git going to Sephora.
So there you have it. Two giant steps forward in the world of Health and Beauty. Here's to miracles and the women who share them. The world is a better place because of them.
Great blog. Thanks for the review of the Diorskin Forever foundation. Here's a great vid I found that has tips on applying foundation for a winter look. http://www.salonhive.com/videos/video/743/How-to-Apply-Foundation-for-Winter-Makeup
ReplyDeleteBe careful with the Zicam. My sister has permanently lost some of her sense of smell due to Zicam use. If you google Zicam -you'll see the benefit may not outweight the risk.
ReplyDeleteHi, Debbi! I tried two Dior foundations my friend brought me to test. "Extreme Fit" is beautiful, but it seems it is designed to oily skin. On the other hand "Dior Snow Sublissime" is SO wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI mean, they are all so beautiful! But perhaps you should try "snow sublissime" before you buy your Dior foundation. I don't know how it compares to "forever" but it's a Dior (not cheap!) and I think it's worth to try some different kinds. They are all wonderful, I guess, but some more friendly to our mature skin.
Have you tried other Dior foundations?
Hmf! Now I see it's an old post. You probably have your Dior already. :D
ReplyDeleteDo you mind telling if it's still your favorite?