I spent at least a third of my youth, working on my tan. Cracking open a new tube of orange gelee Bain de Soleil, was like rebirth each spring. Afternoons spent on rooftops with Marlboro 100's, Tab, sun reflectors, a stack of Cosmos and a couple of Gal Pals, was my idea of heaven, (particularly if said events were happening during school hours).
I still love a little cuh-lah, but hate paying for it with freckles and age spots, that sprout up like dandelions, while I am asleep. I have had every spot zapped off my body, not once, but twice! Does it hurt??? Kinda...but if you've experienced childbirth, your pain meter gets re calibrated, so being snapped by a flaming rubber band a 100 times or so, didn't phase me much. Next came leprous wounds, and 10 days of long sleeved turtlenecks, which is not such a burden in January. For several months, I was spotless and happy. Of course, I would only remain that way, as long as I was willing to do the turtleneck thing in August...not likely.
I have tried the gold standard, 4% prescription strength Hydroquinone and good old fashioned Porcelana lightening cream, with tepid results. Part of the problem is that you must be scrupulous about sunscreen, to keep any progress from becoming moot. It's exhausting.
When I was asked if I wanted to sample REphase D-White, from the Italian based line of anti-aging Cosmeceuticals, naturally, I jumped.
REphase, consists of a total of 29 products, developed to meet a woman's differing needs, as she "transitions" from 25 to mid and mature years, in 4 stages. All REphase products are natural, hypoallergenic, and are rigorously tested in clinical and University settings . The ingredients are "just a small step down from pharmaceutical-grade prescription-authorized products. If this is code for strong, me likey.
The information I was sent, included an untouched photo of a patch of melasma on a forehead and a side by side shot, of a greatly improved forehead, 60 days later. Impressive. The key ingredient in REphase D-White is Arbutin, which works to safely inhibit the production of excess melanin, that leads to dark spots. The cleverest idea is partnering it with SPF, so all that hard work, doesn't work against itself.
I am two weeks into my trial and I am thrilled with the visible improvement I already see on a dark spot the side of my cheek and three on my chest. Rephase D-White is recommended to be used on clean dry skin 3 times a day. This is virtually impossible with my schedule,(and yours too, I imagine), so morning and night it is. I can't wait to see continued results.
D-White Skin Whitening Treatment is available in a 30 ml jar that should last 3-4 months. The cost is $60. It is available at Rephase.com, or toll-free at 888-580-4650. There are 5 other anti-aging products in the 3/4 Mid-Mature range. If they work half as well as D-White, they would definitely be worth a try...
Hint, hint.
P.S. I received several concerned emails about "my chest", as pictured above.
Kisses for your concern!!! NOT MY CHEST!!! Just a stock photo.
You have easily convinced me that I need this! Thanks, Debbi, for the great tip.
Your welcome Adrienne!
ReplyDeleteIt is certainly the best thing I have tried and the fastest acting. Thats part of the fun of what we do with our Blogs...love getting to discover niche products.
ReplyDeleteI have been using D-White for my dark spots, and it is great for removing spots from acne or age spots. It took 8 weeks for "total erasing results" but now I maintain it with sunblock.
I'm so glad to hear you like it too Farrah! There is spf built into it, but they don't specify the number...extra certainly couldn't hurt!!!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried Peter Thomas Roth's Unwrinkle Pads??? Fabulous adjunct! Thanks for commenting!