I am rarely in the pimple aisle at CVS. At the first whiff of a blackhead, I whisked
my son to the Dermatologist, bypassing weaker medicines, available over the counter. (Are you surprised)? Believe me, it was the better alterative to my hovering at 3 a.m. with a steamy wash cloth.
In my youth, my skin was slightly oily, more so around the t-zone. Though I was never happy about it, I did have an inkling that this might bode well for my skin in the future...and I was right. (I was never happy about my overly long, flat feet either, but sadly there was no silver lining here, just hammer toes).
Last week, was the first really humid and oppressive week of this New York summer. The last thing I wanted to do, was add another layer of make up, so powder was out as an option. I remembered Blogging about an oil absorbing product that was on CVS's 10 under $10 list in July. I searched my own archives and found it, in "Home Economics"...Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets..
"How did I live without these"?, I commented. After finding them in the pimple aisle, (nicely price at $5.49 for 50 sheets), I couldn't wait to try them, (in the car, natch). "How did I live without these"?????? They are fantastic!
First of all, they had to have been designed by a woman. Clean & Clear comes in small, slim, sturdy, cardboard package. Each sheet about the size of a credit card. They could easily slip into an evening clutch or pocket. Perfection. A man no doubt, would have designed each sheet to rival a Brawny. Secondly, Clean & Clear is powder free. Oil is instantly removed and it doesn't smudge existing make up.
Is it too much to put this in the same continuem as food, water and shelter? I guarantee, you will love them as much as I do and I already know just what your first thought will be...and you may quote me.
Passing this valuable info along to my 18 YO right NOW! Thanks for another great tip, Debbi!