It is no secret that I have a love-hate-tolerate relationship, with Bravo's Real Housewives franchise...Love New York, hate New Jersey, tolerate Atlanta and Orange County. New York has my undivided attention...I would skip a Presidential address in their favor. New Jersey??? Uh, no Jersey. I don't really "watch" Atlanta or Orange County, they are more like TV muzak. They exist in the background, while I Blog, text, check email's, rearrange drawers and skim magazines.
However, one scene in a recent Real Housewives of Atlanta, stopped me in my pantie straightening tracks...Lisa Wu and Ne Ne Leakes, were attending Lisa's Grandmother's 92 Birthday party in L.A. My first thought was, WOW!, she looks amazing---what is this woman using on her skin??? Ne Ne, who is no slouch, had the same thought and after complimenting her, had the wits to ask her beauty secret. Are ya ready??? VASELINE!!! Yes. VASELINE!!!
Ne Ne, seemed as dumbfounded as I was... I could see her mental calculator whirring, on how much she, (me, we) all spend on lotions and potions, only to see Grandma, at 92, looking much more peach than pit. Best of all, she, me and we, probaby already own it.
So, whaddya say Girls??? Any one out there game give it a try??? I certainly can't see a downside, it's F.D.A. approved as a skin protectant and has been around for almost 140 years.
If they do see an uptick in sales, I hope the good folks at Chesebrough-Ponds, will see fit to send Grandma a Birthday gift...she earned it.
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