On Tuesday night, our special guest speaker and good friend Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, wowed the crowd at Richards, with our first ever Girls Night Out event.
My friend and colleague, Angela, partnered with me, to talk about our best fashion finds for Spring '09. We shared our favorite picks from Valentino, Pucci, Hermes, Cucinelli, Lela Rose, Etro, Dolce and Michael Kors ready-to-wear and accessorized them, with bags and shoes from Jimmy Choo, Gucci and Prada. We also, got to see the Spring collection from H. Stern, one of our latest designer jewelry additions. It is a knock-out collection of bold, modern, sculptural pieces gold pieces, some adorned with diamonds, others, with chunks of soft hued quartz.
The truth is, our audience was friendly and polite, but we were all just the Miley Cyrus warm up act, to Elizabeth's, Britney. Her amazing credentials and experience is really, what all the fuss was about and why everyone turned out--- No hard feelings!!! We couldn't wait for Elizabeth to get started either...
"Our" Elizabeth, is the type of woman you could hate, if she wasn't so warm and down to earth. Tall, thin, beautiful, an accomplished Dr. with a training from Johns Hopkins, Yale and a residency at Harvard, a mother of 4, a Marathoner, a Breast Cancer Advocate and a colleague, at the N.Y. Group for Plastic Surgery, her plate is a platter---and you would never know it.
She spoke with ease, to an extremely, savvy group, who came prepared with questions, about sunscreen, Renova, Botox, Restylane, Collagen, Sculptra, Juvaderm and even Latisse, the drug developed for Glaucoma patients, that inadvertently grows eyelashes to daddy long leg proportions. We nibbled and drank, laughed and learned. We were treated to a Botox demonstration, on my WASPY, level headed friend, Ginger, who never flinched, heeding all of my warnings, not to scare the audience! Interestingly, there was a bee line, straight for the vino, in a pique of squeamishness---jeez Girls... remember childbirth???
All in all, it was a fantastic success and we look forward to having Dr. Thompson join us again. She graciously offered a discount, of 20% off of a first Botox or Restylane treatment, at the N.Y. Group for Plastic Surgeries, Tarrytown office,( 914-366-6139), to our guests at Richards. Many of you, had R.S.V.P.'d, with wistful regret, due to prior commitments...Generously, if you call for a first appointment, and mention, "Divadebbi", Dr. Thompson will honor this for my Blog readers.
So, you did miss a great Girls Night Out, but you don't have to miss out on meeting a great Girl...even if it is just for a consultation.
See you next time...