Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week ended on Friday at the Tents. What a difference a few months can makes!!! Less frenzy, fewer stars dotting the front row landscape and some designers forgoing the runway altogether. Where was the Full Frontal Fashion team??? I spent 20 minutes channeling surfing to 875 and back, before I realized, they too, were the latest victims of the recession. How fabulous was it, that in the last few years, you could catch up on all of the shows, practically in real time, ponytail clad in your pj's, while munching on a salad bowl full of popcorn for dinner??? Miss you!!!
I still had a wonderful time...It was great lunching with the Sr. Management Team and meeting fellow Beauty and Fashion Bloggers from Glam Media...always nice to put a face to an email...Ditto for cocktails, with the wild and crazy, TotalBeauty girls. I chatted with Kevin Ryan, CEO of the upscale, invitation only, online sample sale, Gilt Groupe, at a W. gathering, in the Tents. Hats off to anyone blazing new retail trails in this environment. (Ditto too, to Mr. Armani, who opened his new store on 56th and 5th Avenue this week).
My fabulous friends Peter and Linda Levy, again extended their hospitality, welcoming me to the IMG suite and providing me access backstage, where all of the pre and post show excitement takes place. Let me go on record by saying, that being, whisked, does not suck!!!
I met Jill Zarin, of The Real Housewives of New York City, (but you knew that)!, skinny and adorable, in person. When I introduced myself as Beauty Blogger Divadebbi, she thrilled me by recounting my latest Blog, which she had just read! Season 2, premiered on Tuesday night...Loved it!!! Tune in to Bravo, Tuesday's at 10, for all the latest fun. I am working on trying to get an interview with Jill...I will keep you posted. It's a fine line between being assertive and stalking, ya know???
The Barbie Fashion show, celebrating Barbie's 50th Birthday, in past, present and future outfits, was the most coveted of the week and by all accounts, FANBULOUS.
Chambord, hosted an entertaining, interactive event. Guests could have computerized fashion sketches of themselves, done live, while onlookers watched them being created. Milkko, who did mine, is a fashion illustrator and Professor at Parsons. He also does illustrations for Tory Burch, whose dress I am wearing, (above right). I like it so well, I am going to use it for my Divadebbi logo. (check out others at www.chambordonline.com/fashion).
There was some amazing live music performed on the runways this year, which added a upbeat and original element. The highlight for me, was seeing the 5 Browns at the elegant, notoriously coveted, Zac Posen show. Dramatically, the room was rendered in black, with a wide runway that housed 5 magnificent Steinway's. The 5 Browns are classically trained pianists, who happen to be siblings. Zac sent beautifully original clothes down the runway, that somehow managed to make Victorian inspirations modern, (note the gown, pictured above left). Truly beautiful and for me, an uplifting way to end the week.
Which brings me to the Oscars tonight! I don't think I can stomach Ryan Seacrest on E. interviewing Kate Winslet's manicurist at 6:15, but I am all over Barbara Wa Wa at 7:00 and the pre-show at 8:00. Three guesses what I am having for dinner???
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