I have never, particularly, thought of myself as prudish. Recently, however, I have seen some shows on "network" television, that make Carrie and Samantha's, "cable" antics, look like Cagney and Lacey. When, exactly, did this happen???
If you don't know what I am talking about, tune in for an hour of Gossip Girl or Friday Night Lights. Just make sure you and your teenager are in separate rooms, volume down. Suffice to say, the "double entendre", has been slyly replaced, by the "menage a trois".
Like a moth to a flame, I can only stay away from Sephora for so long. Upon entering, the first thing that greeted me was a boxed Valentine's Day, Nars display, called, "The LOVE Set", (cue Barry White). The Love Set, includes a Lip Gloss, Matte Lip Pencil and Powder Blush, aptly named, "Pillow Talk", "Sex Machine" and "Orgasm".
O.K. Mom, you can check your email now...
One of the cleverest, cutesy, pieces of cosmetic marketing, I can recall, is Nars, "Orgasm". Orgasm is a sheer, peachy hued, slightly iridescent powder blush, that became an instant, bestselling cult classic, (because Mary Kay, "forgot" to try their hand at Peach). Beauty Editors, loved to wax poetically, about the powers of the powder, to mimic, "the flush".
I never tried Orgasm for two reasons; though it is billed to flatter, "all skin types", I rarely buy into that line and never thought it would suit me. I also, prudishly, did not want to discuss its merits with a "Beauty Advisor". But here, in Sephoraland, on a quiet Sunday, I could paint and powder with reckless abandon, to see if I could achieve the desired effect.
So, can "the flush" be faked???. Absolutely!!! And the rest, is up to you...
P.S. Did I buy, "The Love Set"??? What do you think???
My email buddies are weighing in...3 yes and 2 no...What do you think?