100% Humidity...I don't care who you are, you are going to have a bad hair day and if that includes an event of any importance, strategy, worthy of a Camp David retreat.
Thursday night, was the annual Mets Foundation benefit at Richards in Greenwich Ct. Those in attendance, have the opportunity to meet and mingle with their favorite players and bid on unique live auction items...you throw out the first pitch, I have five minutes to gather up all I can at Harry Winston. You say tomato, I say tomahto...
Suffice to say, there wasn't one man in the room, including those with casaba domes, who listened to the forecast and altered their plans an iota. I on the other hand, had major decisions to make...Before the apocalypse, I had planned to wash my hair and use new products from the Sebastian Flaunt Collection , but with the humidity index at 100%, flaunt might have turned into fluff and I was taking no chances...
What to do about my lank locks??? I took a two prong approach. First I sectioned out long bangs and washed and conditioned them in the sink and blew them dry. Then I scoured under my vanity, in search of talcum powder, which I located next to a set of hot rollers, last used in the late 80's. Next, having recently read about saving oodles on pricey high end Dry Shampoo's I instead, massaged talcum powder into my roots, to absorb oil and add lift. Remarkably, my hair looked terrific.
This morning, I woke up to a similar forecast and hair that was not getting another reprieve. Perfect time to try out Sebastian's Liquid Gloss, tiny drops of a silicone infused shield, formulated to resist humidity, and boost gloss and shine. As well as, Trilliant, a spray that delivers thermal protection against heat styling, styling polymers for volume, glycerin for anti-frizz and mica glitter for added sparkle. My hair dried quickly, delivering smooth, full locks, that were shiny and smooth to the touch...despite the rain, it was a great hair day, all day.
So now I know, if you've got it, flaunt it...and now you know too. For the record, I could have worn a beekeeper's veil and no one would have noticed---all eyes where on the guys with the baseball caps... Maybe they were having a bad hair day, after all...
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