I received my Smashbox, (Volume 3), Master Class, "Complexion Perfection" kit from Sephora, promptly after ordering it on line, (some proceeds to Breast Cancer research, thank you).
The kit comes with an instructional dvd, (which I will never watch) and a step by step, easy to follow plan, on how to best use the products.
Hands down, my favorite is the Photo Op Illuminating Primer...If I was the kind of gal, who could scoot out to the grocery store, with no make up and a ponytail, I would cheat with this product and slip it on over moisturizer. Instant glow!!!
The foundation, comes with a, "foundation brush". I have tried this gizmo before. I like it in theory, but I never feel like I see any coverage, so, I always go back to finger painting. Nonetheless, the instructions called for, "warming" the foundation on the top of my hand and then using the brush to apply it in outward strokes. The one time, I will absolutely do what I am told, is the first time trying a new product, (after that, all bets are off), after all, wouldn't the sweat in my palm be a better heat source)???
I saw no difference in application and as usual, saw no foundation on my face. What I did see, was something quite remarkable...less fine lines, no visible age spots and a fading of the hunter green veins, on my hands!! Why hadn't this occurred to me on my own??? I spend nearly as much time obsessing about my aging hands, as I do my face and neck. Why not, give my hands the same benefits???
This morning, I took it one step further...serum, moisturizer, primer, foundation. Yes...on my hands!!! Oh, stop tsk tsking...you know you can't wait to have at it, tomorrow morning. Would love your feedback. Worth it? Or whacky? I already know which camp I fall in.
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