About a month ago, TotalBeauty and ZO Skin Health, hosted an event in NY, to launch Dr. Zein Obagi's, new skin care line. Dr. Obagi is world-renowned, board-certified dermatologist. I had know idea that Obagi was a person. The name had a vaguely oriental ring to it and I just assumed it either meant something pleasing in Mandarin, or tested well in focus groups.
Obagi products have always been sold through dermatologists offices. I once went in for a light Obagi peel. Despite the oscillating fan, my face felt like it was being singed from the bone, for five minutes...No biggie, I will suffer for beauty and fashion, anytime. The next day my face was shiny and taut and I spoke only through clenched teeth. By the third day and for the next week, I molted. It wasn't pretty. If you like to get up every morning and greet the world in full maquillage, as I do, then peels, no matter how light, require some down time. I also somehow, left the office with the full complement of Nu-Derm Obagi products, so my "lunch time peel", ended up costing 4 times more than I bargained for. Nonetheless, Obagi, has been the brand of choice, sold through thousands of dermatologists offices, for the last 20 years. Highly concentrated and effective, there was no down side to giving it a whirl.
I liked it, but didn't love it...Next.
Flash forward 7 years and nine zillion products later...Dr. Obagi was there to greet us personally and tell us about his new line, ZO Skin Health, which would be available through select retailers. Dr. Obagi was charming, passionate and animated. He believes in potent, pure products that deliver results. The presentation ended with a beautiful cake, in honor of Dr. Obagi's 65th Birthday. I couldn't take my eyes off of his skin... The man was pink and radiant!!! "Was that manure you mentioned as your key ingredient"? OK, I'm in. Seriously, I would have gone that far...
4 weeks later and what is the verdict? Our generous sampler kit, included an exfoliating cleanser ($45), Occlipse Sun Screen and Primer ($85), Growth Factor Serum ($195) and Radical Night Recovery Cream ($325). To this mix, I added my usual Nutrimin C daily moisturizer and Olay's Regenerist Firming and Sculpting cream.
Nothing, in the perfectly packaged press kit, indicated the cost of these items. I got the bad news only after going to Obagi.com. Had I known, I would have sacrificed my neck and chest, so that my face could enjoy the good stuff for a while longer. The products are wonderful, but very pricey. If I added in the ZO daily moisturizer and night cream, a 2-3 month supply, would come in at a whopping $840. (The only product I know I couldn't live without, is the Sun Screen and Primer. It contains melanin, doesn't leave a chalky film and make up applies flawlessly on top of it).
Just think...if I put my ZO money in a coffee can, in a few years I will have saved enough, to go see one of Dr. Obagi's board certified colleagues, and take care of all my skin matters---permanently.
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