One of the things I like most about belonging to a club, is that no matter what the Holiday, there will be a dinner, that someone with far greater skill than me, has prepared. You dine amongst friends, in a familiar atmosphere where you are known. It might not be home, but it is much more personal than a restaurant. If we are entertaining, my husband is the chef. My job is to set a lovely table and fluff the flowers. We both handle our roles well.
Since it would not be appropriate for Father's Day to be a working Holiday, we dined al fresco, at our club, with my in-laws as our guests. All Father's should have a least a one day reprieve, from tending to a smoking grill...somehow I have managed a lifelong pass, (I know my limitations and like my eyebrows).
Anyway, though I planned to wash my hair later that night, my bangs were feeling a tad grimy, so I decided to section them out, and freshen them up in the sink. I have purchased some Garnier products in the past and think for mass market hair care, they are somewhere at the top of the pack. On my last CVS trek, I picked up Garnier's, "Sleek n Shine" shampoo, which is meant to tame frizz. (It's companion conditioner was already living in my shower, scolding me about using it without the prerequisite shampoo).
It was a lovely evening, with the sun finally coming out and the humidity slowly dropping. My trip to the ladies room brought an unexpected surprise...despite the swollen do, that was the rest of my head, my bangs were hanging vertically. Wowza!!! Bangs are normally the first thing to implode outdoors...this was groundbreaking. I couldn't wait to wash my whole head and check out the results. My hair dried to a silky finish and remained nearly frizz free through out yesterdays humidity.
So, in addition to my post shampoo, mid crown to tips straightening balm, I will now be adding frizz free shampoos and conditioners to my summer hair repetoire. Anyone who doesn't need to follow suit is on my short list...and that includes you, Sis.
This is Phoebe....tried it thanks for the tip!!