Over the years, I have edited down my magazine subscriptions. At my peak, I was getting 6 per month. Rather than being elated at their arrival, I started feeling dread...one more thing to do, one more thing to recycle, one more article, I would, "read later", and never did.
What would really make me happy is one, perfect book, that incorporated all the things that interest me...and none of the things that don't. There are whole chunks of magazines that do not resonate with me...I love, W's Beauty, Social and Hollywood coverage, but abhor their passion for bondage and nipples in their Fashion pages. I love hearing from Allure's charming Linda Wells each month, but have no interest in the progress of their editorial assistants, who have trimmed down from 234 lbs. to 186 lbs, and counting. I admire Glenda Bailey of Harper's Bazaar, for her success. An import from the U.K., Glenda is mostly kept under wraps, no glossy head shop to accompany her take on the month's events. Suffice to say, Glenda might look more at home editing the Old Farmers Almanac, (see photo at left). I like their Fashion and Beauty coverage, but am driven batty by their, "Fabulous At Any Age" column, which features "age appropriate" clothes on women, by decade. The mature muses rotate between Barbara Walters and Carolina Herrera, (can't they find anybody else over 70, who still cuts and attractive figure)? I have never figured out if this is meant to be taken literally, since there is stuff from every decade, 20's to 70's, that I will purchase in a nano second, after my next Lotto win. I love how Pamela Fiori, has reinvigorated Town and Country. Their Beauty reporting is always a must read. Their Fashion spreads are just how I like 'em...Straight up, beautiful clothes on beautiful models. Whether or not any of it is affordable, is besides the point. If you could, you would. Their Society photos and articles on modern Etiquette and Travel are timely and elegant. If they, "Just Said No", to the dozens of hideous jewelry advertisers, who take up a lot of space and feel substandard, I'd have zero complaints.
All of this brings me to the big Kahuna, Vogue. Now let's be clear here. I haven't missed a September Vogue since I was 15. First of all, it symbolically marks the end of summer, my favorite season. Eyes blurry with tears, I purchase it and hoist this 6 lb. tome with me, everywhere, on vacation, for the next 10 days. It's advertising growth each year, is the yard stick by which all other fashion publications are measured. It is magnificent. Fashion, Beauty, Culture, plus Fashion and Beauty...what more could I want??? Well, maybe a little love.
I have never been intimidated, by people in position of power. I am not sure why that is, but I feel confident that I could hold my own, at least for a few minutes, with anyone... Anyone except Anna Wintour. Her power, intelligence, impeccable taste could never be questioned. She is, all that and more, but the one thing she is not, is approachable. And I sense that, in her Editor's letter to her readers each month. It's kind of like a party...would you really want to be there if your hostesses invitation was half hearted? Am I missing out on my dream magazine because I am looking for a little warm and fuzzy with my Balenciaga?
You tell me girls...my Vogue subscription is just a click away.