I am quite lucky, to have access to sample a lot of terrific anti-aging products through my Blog, not to mention, all the product I buy on my own. This suits my fickle nature really well, since I do find, that even my most beloved skin care regimes, hit the wall after a few months. It is a similar phenom to shampoos losing their ssssshuushhh after too many uses...ya, you know what I'm talking about. Besides, there is a ridiculous amount of exciting new stuff, under constant development to entice us. Who can blame us???
I bet you have a lot of creams you no longer use, or generous samples lingering in your medicine cabinets too. What to do??? Well, I have taken a good hard look at the rest of my body and their are plenty of other areas that need Vitamin C, Retinol, Hydraquinone, Licorice Root, Glycolic Acid, Green Tea, Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid and all the others anti-aging ingredients jam packed, into modern potions.
For starters, I have been using an Avon Anew Ultimate night cream (actually it's a gel) on my hands, morning and night for the last two weeks. The difference is nothing short of miraculous. This is a huge step, since I am paranoid about my hands looking like a pair of old moccasins. (If you noticed me staring at your hands, I probably am).
What's up next??? My knees, elbows and my upper arms (if you are not already treating your neck and decollete like your face, I suggest you adjourn to the bathroom immediately and get cracking Girl).
If my hand experiment has any validity, there is simply no downside...tidier extremities, tidier cabinets, more space for new schtuff.
That's all.
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