Now that I've got my lash length issues back on track, (thank you neuLash), I started obsessing about their width. I was thinking about a fibrous mascara that I used in my youth. I'm pretty sure there were carpet fibers in it... literally, little woolly bits. Loved it!
Trolling the aisles of CVS, you can't help but notice the dizzying array of mascara options, often with a half dozen offerings within one brand, plus the waterproof versions. Oy. Nothing rang a bell though.
I decided to try Maybelline's new XXL Pro Volume, primarily because I like "primers"... There is something about haphazardly slapping on that first coat, with reckless abandon, that I find oddly liberating. The primer is white, just like most, but this one thickly coats every lash from root to tip. Definitely the porker phase. I kept looking for a bit of bits, but this is clearly a shag free formula.
After experimenting with: 1) Priming the one top only and immediately adding the mascara coat. 2) Priming one top and bottom and then applying the second coat and 3) Priming all the lashes and then applying the second coat, without a doubt one wins. This product works best when the lashes are still wet and tacky from the primer.
Result??? Nice. Fat lashes, skinny price. All good. Oh and I finally remembered that mascara from my youth. Drum roll...Revlon's FabuLash. Will I be rushing to buy it? Nah. It's unlikely it could ever measure up to my expectations...unless of course it's still infused with uh stuff.
I'm more into skin care than makeup so I never heard of a primer. Thanks for the tips!