Musings on beauty and fashion, then and now, for women of substance, style, laughter and love.
The Clock Stops Here...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Holy Guacamole
Deeply embedded in my memory banks, along with Bonne Bell Face Gloss and Yardley Lipsticks, is a loop of I Love Lucy favorites, of which I could never tire.
Sure, there are classics, like the Vita-Veta-Vegemin and Chocolate Factory episodes, but there were others I found equally hilarious...remember when Ricky decides he is going bald??? Lucy conspires to snap him out of his depression by administering stinky, gooey, painful hair growing treatments, in their kitchen. Ingredients included plenty of olive oil, raw eggs and mustard, hand tossed, suctioned with a plunger and topped with a silk stocking. Lucy is sure he will never endure this torture again and Ricky demands she up the treatments to several times a week---and they say women are vain!
All of this came flooding back to me recently, after sampling Sponge skin care's Avocado Oil Face Treatment. I recently wrote about their Jasmine Aromatherapy mist, which I apply daily to set my makeup and again if I am refreshing it before touch-ups. The purity of this simple, organic, effective line of skin care from Greece intrigues me. I couldn't wait to try it before bed. I also loved the idea of using it around my eyes and on my neck and chest...despite all evidence to the contrary, I really do want to simplify my makeup and skincare regimens. Multi-taskers give me goose bumps (in a good way though).
Sponge, nicely sent me several samples. As you might surmise, it is a rich golden green and smell and feels rich, earthy and well oily, hence the flash back to the Ricardo's kitchen.
I am about two weeks in and still get used to the texture. Somehow, decades passed adolescence, it still feels counter-intuitive to massage oil onto my face. I think I have a pretty good idea about how Ricky felt...yet there is not a chance I won't finish them to the last drop. I am pretty sure it's working...
Friday, November 27, 2009
Fill-Her Up (Part 2)
As promised, part 2 of my interview with Dr. Elizabeth Chabner- Thompson of The N.Y. Group for Plastic Surgery , on the newest advances in facial and body rejuvenation. In our first interview, we talked about Botox. This time, we are covering facial fillers. Don't forget!!! You will receive a 10% discount on your first procedure, when you mention DivaDebbi.
Here's the latest tips on how to safely take a dip in the fountain of youth:
DD: I have been seeing alot more print and T.V. adds about facial fillers. Are they catching on? What's all the excitement about?
ECT: Facial Fillers have grown tremendously in popularity for several reasons. First and foremost, it is literally instant gratification! When properly injected, women (and men), will see an immediate difference in their, "parentheses" or nasolabial folds. Properly placed volume restores a natural, youthfulness to the face. The results are immediate though I would not recommend doing any procedure the day of an event, just in case of swelling, redness, or an occasional bruise.
DD: So you literally leave your appointment looking younger than when you walked in??? Wow!!! No wonder its getting a lot of attention. How long does the Cinderella effect last?!
ECT: Generally about 6 months, roughly twice as long as Botox. Sometimes slightly longer. It's subtle but discernible change. It's definitely a patient pleaser.
DD:: I remember years ago, when bovine collagen was used, people had to be allergy tested before being injected. Is that still necessary?
ECT: Not with the newer types of fillers. They all have FDA approval and allergic reactions are very rare.
DD: I know there are different types of fillers. What are they and what are their "brand" names?
ECT: That is true, there are three types: Hyaluronic Acids, known as Restalyne and Juvederm, Calcium Hydroxyapatite, more commonly known as Radiesse and Hydrelle, a new filler that has been formulated with lidocaine . Your Dr. can guide you on which filler is most appropriate for your corrections, based on age, skin type and budgetary concerns.
DD: Lately, I've been noticing actresses with very flat, full faces.
Not pretty!!! What causes that?
ECT: I know exactly what you are referring to! It is caused from overfilling the face and probably too frequent injections. It's crucial to have an experienced Dr. performing these procedures and one who can judge when it will be too much of a good thing. We are also now getting really good results, using fillers on "smokers lines" or vertical creases above the upper lip.
DD: All and all, it sounds very effective and I can see the appeal.
Let's touch on the ouchies...pain and price!
ECT: Discomfort can be eased quite a bit by adding some lidociane to most solutions or by using Hydrelle. It's patients all think it is worth it, when I'm done! The price ranges from $500-$700 per syringe, depending on the type of filler and syringe used. Consultations are free and we often run promotions, where the second syringe is free. We will also save and store anything that you don't use for a future visit.
DD: Thanks so much for sharing your time with me and my readers. You know I think the world of your skills!
To schedule a consult or appointment with Dr. Chabner-Thompson, call the N.Y. Group for Plastic Surgery, in Tarrytown, N.Y. at 914-366-6139.
You deserve the best!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Well, I am officially kvelling!!! The Obama's hosted their first official White House State Dinner, honoring the Prime Minister of India and his wife and Michelle hit it out of the park.
Dressed regally, in a flattering, strapless Naeem Khan pale gold chiffon gown, with an overlay of sterling silver sequins, chiffon stole, gold bangles, chandelier earrings and a modern, up swept chignon, MO looked every inch, the First Lady of the world. This is what I have been waiting for since the Inauguration (of Jack Kennedy). Wowza!!!
Though some press reports are making Indian designer Naeem Khan sound like an upstart, he is light years from that! Naeem has been creating gorgeous frocks for the International set for years and he and his stunning wife Ranjana, are fixtures in New York society.
I saw Naeem interviewed and he said he did not have contact directly with Michelle, but with her long time stylist Ikram Goldman.
Fingers crossed that the outpouring of accolades for this smashing, spot on State Dinner fashion debut, is just the beginning of their collaborations and the understated elegance that suits the First Lady like a glove.
Monday, November 23, 2009
This Weeks Link Love from Your GlamourSquad
DivaDebbi finds the Holy Grail of Frizz fighters and her hair never looked better.
The Beauty Alchemist is giving away 3 sets of MISSION Skincare to giveaway
ThinkThruFashion styles a sequin top from the Jimmy Choo for H&M collection.
Krasey Beauty spotlights a gorgeous Makeup Designory eyeshadow palette perfect for gifting this holiday season.
The Product Pasha faces her retrograde ways and plans her very first online purchase.
Butterflydiary uses a Secret Weapon to fight frizz – and wins!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Beauty Duty
I am quick to throw my hat in the ring, whenever I have a chance to learn about cutting edge Beauty and Health advances.
When that same ring involves raising money to help properly outfit our troops with critical combat gear for their safety, (helmet, rifle, body armor, side arm and appropriate boots for climate and terrain), I feel it is my beauty duty to be there. When the lecture is being given by the internationally famous Dr. Neil Gordon, I wouldn't miss it and neither should you!!! ---And I haven't even spilled the best part yet...
On Tuesday, December 1st, Eillhys England, who founded Soldiers for the Truth with her late husband, Col. David Haakworth, is hosting an amazing event. It is truly the ultimate Girls Night Out! Great food, great wine and the great Dr. Gordon, who will speak to 75 attendees about Beauty and Health in 2010.
Your $100 donation guarantees a fun and informative night...and it may also win you a free face and neck lift with Dr. Gordon!!! (Other cosmetic procedures can be substituted, for the same value).
Between now and April 1st, only 500 tickets will be sold (and will include a complementary invitation to the next Beauty and Health Event). The value of this service is nearly priceless, not just because he is waiving his fee, in support of our troops, but because he has discreetly done face and neck work, on some of the most beautiful women on camera today. True beauties, who looks as fresh and radiant, as they did in the prime of their youth. That's genius. (I am dying to name names...but I can't, damn it).
The event will be held at the Penthouse of the Roger Sherman Hotel 48th St. and Lexington Ave, at 5:30 p.m. Availability is limited, but tickets are available to purchase, and will guarantee you an invitation to another event plus your hat in the free face and neck lift ring!
For tickets and information, please call Moira at 203-629- 0288 or email You are welcome to purchase more than one ticket to increase your chances, while doing a very good deed, duty.
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hair Ye Hair Ye (Part 2)
One of the most fun things about writing a Beauty Blog, is trying to stay on top of all that's new. In addition, to my own curious obsessions, their is a bevy of savvy P.R. and Social Media execs who keep me in the loop on the latest launches, my equally obsessed Gal Pal's and my newest resource---The Doctors.
In my next life, I will start each day with 2 cups of good coffee and a full dose of The Doctors. Yes, they cover life saving health issues, but of greater interest to me, is their cutting edge coverage of the latest Beauty innovations. (If you have no idea what I am talking about, GET WITH IT MAMA).
A recent show, reported their are three things that drive women bonkers, wrinkles, fat and frizz. Yup, that about covers it. In recent years, those of us who have humidity challenges, have benefited from the introduction of silicone into frizz fighting shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in treatments. The significant downside, is that hair is often left, heavy, greasy and lank.
A relatively new company, called Living Proof (available at Sephora and partnered with scientists at M.I.T., and discovered PolyfluroEster, the breakthrough ingredient in their No Frizz line of styling creams shampoos and conditioners. The benefits of No Frizz are amazing, and when they blasted the models hair with steam, the No Frizz side won hands down. Here's what they promise:
* It resists humidity 30% better than the leading products
* Hair resists humidity for up to 16 hours
* It repels dirt so hair can be washed less frequently
* Hair becomes more manageable with continued use
* It is available in two formulas, Straight Making or Wave Shaping, allowing for styling options
Well, it sounds great on paper, but how did it work??? In a word, spectacularly.
I used the Straight Making formula, the night before heading south, figuring I would surely have the opportunity to put it to the test. Four things were different right of the brush:
1) My hair stayed full and luxurious. No sign of flatness or tell tale, rat tail ends.
2) It dried faster
3) It styled easily...almost like having another set of hands
4) I said avoir to my flat iron. I didn't even need it too touch up, wavy tendrils in the morning. It never left my Florida.
I am completely, happily, hopelessly sold. One down! Now let's see what The Doctors have in store for those other scourges, wrinkles and fat...If it's as quick a fix as No Frizz, world will soon be a more beautiful place.
Here's hoping.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The GlamourSquad Has My Back (while the front is working on a tan)
Despite my best intentions to update my Blog whi1e on a getaway weekend, I am having way too much fun and the most spectaular weather. Maybe I'll finish what I started on the plane and get back to business. In the meanwhile, I am glad I have a new post from the Glamour Squad to share with you:
The Beauty Alchemist loves Kiehl’s Imperial Body Balm
The Product Pasha welcomes the simplicity of Estee Lauder's Ultimate Red Holiday Collection.
DivaDebbi rediscovers a hidden hair treasure.
Butterflydiary eliminates frizz with a single stroke of a hair brush!
Clumps of Mascara thinks women should toss their scales out of windows.
ThinkThruFashion shops for the perfect sophisticated cocktail dress.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Party Pointers
I received this fabulous email today from the P.R. team at Yardley of London.
As we head towards the Holidays, filled with parties, here are some great tips to ensuring your guests feel relaxed and at home, in your home. With their permission, I am sharing it with you. Here goes:
Phenomenal flower arrangements and fabulous food are nice, but often it’s the little touches – the ones that cost next to nothing - that make the differences between a good party and a party you’ll never forget. In the frantic days before the party, these are also the things you are most likely to forget - or triage to save your sanity.
Here are a few simple things you can do to summon your inner hostess-with-the-mostess and make your house feel just a little bit more like the palace you – and your guests – so richly deserve.
* Nothing screams “frat party” like asking your guests to dig through a pile on the guest room bed for their coats Clear out a closet or two and dump your stuff somewhere instead. While you’re at it, give the dry cleaner back all those hangers and get a few decent padded ones for your guests
* Here’s a foolproof way to kill a party’s energy: Hand Aunt Marge the salad tongs, stick her in the middle of the buffet line, and wait, and wait, and wait as she painstakingly selects each individual leaf of lettuce. Avoid the agony – and ensure everyone actually gets fed – by breaking up the buffet. Send Marge off to the salad station – somewhere across the room. Put the cocktail meatballs in one corner and the pasta in another. You’ll bust up the line and, as an added bonus, give everyone an excuse to cross the room and introduce themselves to someone new. No cost
* Face it – the room more people at your party are going to visit than any other is the bathroom, so making a good impression here is important, and it’s also easy. Replace your hand towels with colorful paper cloths and your plain bar soap with a natural or botanical bar from Yardley to add a little bit of class to the guest bath, master bath or any sink or vanity area. Yardley natural and botanical soaps come in a range of subtle fragrances and are pretty, usable treats to have in the loo. Guests love little touches of luxury and this one you can accomplish at your local drug store. Hand cloths $3.99 Yardley Soaps $1.49 for Botanicals, $2.49 for Naturals.
* It’s all fun and games until someone whips out the cell phone and starts checking messages. Suddenly, it occurs to everyone else that maybe they need to check in with the boss, the babysitter and … The texting, emailing and voice-mail checking begin and the fun ends, right there. Head this off at the pass by greeting your guests as they come in with a half-full tray of drinks and a box of stickers. Offer a trade: A drink for your cell phone. Pick up the glass, pick a sticker to label the cell phone so you can identify it later, and drop the phone on the tray. Voila. Let the party begin – and continue. Stickers under $4.
* The temptation when you are prepping the house for a party is to live by the “when in doubt, put it away,” rule. So we shelve the coffee table books, stick some of the more – ahem – colorful fridge magnets in a drawer and finally take down that hideous painting your husband’s family gave you and you felt obligated to hang up. This party, don’t. In fact, do just the opposite. Got those funny letters and words you can make poems with on the fridge? The better to warm up the conversation my friend. Open a few extra coffee table books. You never know if that picture of Mt. Kilimanjaro just might loosen up the tongue of your terribly shy next door neighbor. Hideous art can be great for a laugh – even if it’s at your expense. The point is that the more there is to look at it, the more there is for your guests to talk about, bond over and giggle with. No cost – just use what you have.
I love a dash of good common sense! Thanks Yardley of London (ye of my first frosted pink lipsticks in the orange, white and pink striped tubes).
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Weekly Blogs from your GlamourSquad
Here's what my fellow glamazons were up to last week:
Aly is giving away a set of Wedgwood China!
DivaDebbi revisits Revitalash!
Butterflydiary cherry picks the best of Philosophy’s Holiday
The Beauty Alchemist loves Bobbi Brown's Extreme Party Mascara.
Clumps of Mascara wonders how old is too to be rockin' glitter nail polish.
Aly is giving away a set of Wedgwood China!
DivaDebbi revisits Revitalash!
The Product Pasha loves Smashbox's Tokidoki Skin Tint - hard to find but worth the trouble!
Butterflydiary cherry picks the best of Philosophy’s Holiday
The Beauty Alchemist loves Bobbi Brown's Extreme Party Mascara.
Clumps of Mascara wonders how old is too to be rockin' glitter nail polish.
Hair Ye Hair Ye (Part 1)
O.K., I have two hair raising tales to tell, but they are lengthy and I need you to stay focused---so I will do this in two parts.
I have only had two colorists in my life, who have been able to achieve the perfect caramel highlights I require, David and Christopher. There is a murky, brassy eight year gap, that I try to block out of my memory, some of which included bad stints at home coloring.
In the good years, I continued travelling back to the City to see David after I married and moved to the Burbs. When David decided to move back to his Burbs, (Canada), we bid adieu.
David introduced me to a product called Clairol Shimmer Lights, which came in a distinct violet bottle, whose product was of the same hue. There was only one formula to brighten and tone down brassy, faded highlights. It worked like a charm and David swore it was the only shampoo I would ever need. The challenge, became finding it...primarily, it existed on the dusty shelves, of dwindling Mom and Pop Beauty Supply Stores. Eventually, it became to difficult to find, so I moved on.
While in N.Y. recently, I happened upon Ricky's NYC, the famed beauty emporium, which I had remarkably, never been in. Perusing the aisles, and smugly thinking, "been there, done that" to dozens of products, I spotted a large bottle of Shimmer Lights Shampoo!!! I nearly kissed both sides of the bottle. It now comes in two formulas: one for blond and silver hair and the other for brunette and red heads. I knew the first was the same I had used with success, but I thought I would gamble on the newer one for brunettes...needless to say, I wasn't leaving without it.
What can I say??? The stuff is genius. Daily, strangers are approaching me to ask about my color, (I recently held court, quite unintentionally at a Sephora in Greenwich...madness).
Even Christopher, knew the minute I plopped in his chair on my last visit to Warren Tricomi, that something was different . Christopher knows I tinker, and thankfully, never chastises me, but for once, the change was for the better! The perfectly placed highlights he mastered 7 weeks earlier, were not only intact, they were still glowing. I told him I rediscovered Shimmer Lights, which he pulled out of him memory banks immediately. For the first time in 12 years, I have the green light to continue.
So, I am revising the official list---three brilliant colorists, David, Christopher and Miss Clairol. Like I said, genius. Do order yourself a bottle today, (
Your welcome.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fairy Tales Do Come True
I am officially, out of Latisse. Those of you who have followed my Latisse story on You Tube, know I had a very bumpy first eyeballs looked like Barber poles and felt like someone was working them over with an emery board, night and day. A normal person would have discontinued use--not me! I was in it till THE END.
16 weeks later, I am in my glory. Every day I can't quite believe those Bambi lashes are all least for now. Like her Walt Disney cousin Cinderella, the trimmings are strictly on loan. Maintenance is a must (at least 2 or 3 times a week), or all the magic disappears. O.K., all the magic breaks off.
And thus, the I get a new prescription for Latisse or do I give the RevitaLash I have stashed in my cosmetic goody closet a whirl?
RevitaLash was one of the first entrants into the "eyelash conditioning and beautification" market. It is significantly less expensive, (I recently saw it on sale at CVS for $49.99). The directions are identical, a thin line, drawn on clean eyelids before bed. Best of all, I like this particular Fairy Tale, because it is true.
RevitaLash was developed by a real life Prince Charming, Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff, for his wife Nancy, who lost her lustrous hair and lashes, while going through chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer. (They are pictured above). In addition, a portion of all proceeds benefit non-profit breast cancer research and education initiatives. As a breast cancer survivor, I am touched by his kindness and devotion to his wife and their continuing efforts to help eradicate this disease. RevitaLash also beat Latisse to the punch, and developed a unisex hair product, that hopefully does as much for thinning domes and it does for thinning lids.
So, it's a no brainer...I will try RevitaLash and hope to maintain my lashes, because I would like to maintain my support of their company. (I also much prefer getting fat lashes from a skinny brush...rather than the over sized basting brushes that come with Latisse). Fingers crossed!
As always---To Be Continued.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Spritz in Time
Every now and then, I receive an email, from a cranky reader, frustrated at about my fickle beauty nature. Days after describing a devout love fest for a particular mascara-lipstick-liner-foundation, cupids arrow strikes again and I am newly smitten.
Ya. I get it.
I am a little more loyal when it comes to skin care, specifically my face. There are a four products I could never live without and in the last few weeks, I just added the 5th...See, just a wee handful. They are:
1) Cetaphil soap for dry skin
2) Dr. Denese Advanced Firming Facial Pads
3) ReVersital 3-in-1 MicrodermaStick
4) SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Antioxidant Treatment
#5 is a new crush, but has already made the permanent roster; Jasmine Aromatherapy Treatment Tonic by SPONGE. This pungent, olive oil based, Vitamin E infused, hand-blended, antioxident mist is the last step in my morning skin care and makeup routine. Three spritz's later, I am dewy, radiant and ready to face the day, all day, without re-touching.
SPONGE, is a 30 year old skin care company, founded by an Athens Obstetrician, Dr. Costas Tympanidis, to help his patients retain their skin elasticity during pregnancy.
His nephew, Markos Drakatos has followed his devotion to pure, chemical free, powerful plant based, earth friendly products, to pamper and protect our skin.
I had received my Jasmine Aromatherapy as a gift, and due to its luxe richness, shuttered to think how much the latest addition to my permanent arsenal was going to set me back. I was delighted, when I went on their website and discovered that Jasmine Mist has two siblings, Sweet Basil and Lavender and that they were reasonably priced at $45. (Sponge is available on their linked website, Barney's, and Warren Tricomi Beauty at the Plaza in NY)
In addition, it is a small line of face and body products, with $100 at the pinnacle. I adore that it is simple and straight forward, instead of dozens of options for distant body parts in all stages of maturity. THANK YOU! Every product is good for every skin type. THANK YOU!
Yes, cupids arrow may strike again...but this time, at least you will know from where.
Pass the olives please.
Weekly Blogs from your GlamourSquad
Aly is giving away a year's supply of Breyer's Ice Cream!
The Beauty Alchemist pre orders the new Cover Girl Smoky EyeBlast and ShineBlast lipgloss.
Clumps Of Mascara has reason to believe she started the purple lip trend!
ThinkThruFashion takes you behind the scenes at a MAC Halloween photo shoot.
Butterflydiary loves the skin-quenching properties of La Mer’s Hydrating Facial!
DivaDebbi does Demi's WANTED.
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