The Clock Stops Here...

Monday, May 14, 2018

A Drugstore Dream Mascara??? Yes Indeed!!!

Loreal Voluminous X Fiber Mascara
$11.99 ish

I have had to wait a few months for my eyelashes to grow back, after my 5 month stint wearing lash extensions.  Sadly...

Yes, I loved waking up every day with a full fan of lashes that cut my morning makeup time exponentially.  They looked spectacular! Every day, I made sure to apply eye lash growth serum and when I was in full wind down mode, which took about two months for all of the extensions to fall out, I began using Latisse.

I was hedging my bets that when all the extensions were gone, I would still have my original decent set of lashes.

Wrong!  Stumpy, gappie, crunchy.  Not a good look.

This is my ultimate take; if you are prepared to commit to monthly extensions for the rest of your life, great. Go for it! I could also see doing a one off, if you were planning an extended vacation. One month of application is not going to do significant damage. Beyond that?  NO. There is a price to pay, and it's steep.

OK, moving on.

I had made note of a new 2 sided Loreal mascara that comes with something so scathingly brilliant, every other cosmetic brand will surely be following suit...a BLACK PRIMER!!!!


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