Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lash Wars

In the last few days, everyone, everywhere, has commented on my lashes.  My lash enhancement history is a little checkered, so for those who are newbies,  I will digress...
There was no way the Latisse band wagon was travelling without me aboard.  My lashes grew to cartoon length and I was delighted with how they looked.  Unfortunately two things occurred:  1)  I spent 16 weeks feeling like I had glass shards in my corneas and 2)  Every last 1/2 inch broke off as soon as I stopped using it.  I moved on to Revitalash  and Blogged about it in November of 2009 (, enamored by the love story of Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff, inventing it for his wife Nancy, who lost her lashes and brows to chemotherapy.  I confused it with Rapidlash, a  less expensive alternative available at  CVS for 49.99, (since I received mine as a sample at a Blogger event) and moved onto Neulash,  (which was working well for my family), long before finishing my Revitalash sample.

I am dozing as I am writing this, so I don't blame you if you are too...Net Net:  My lashes above are the result of consistently using Revitalash for the last 12 weeks.  It's  all gain and no pain.  It is available from their website,  (linked above), with some proceeds going to breast cancer research, or,  you can also find it for as low as $69.99 on Amazon.

Oh, and the mascara is Bobbi Brown's Everything...and it truly is.

Dutifully and respectfully reported,



  1. I have a tube of revitalash that has been stored in my closet for about four month and I am scared to use it. Do you lashes break off when you quit using this product? Also, any other side effects??? I really want to try it

  2. Oh and your lashes look amazing!!!

  3. Thanks Beauty Bug!
    By all means give it a whirl! Latisse is an off label Glaucoma drug. Those available with out prescription are drug free. Revitalash just feels like water when your apply it, and the thin applicator brush, insures that too much product is not dispersed. (I do think that was an issue with Latisse, you could paint a barn with the brushes they supply). I cant speak to my lashes falling out, because I haven't stopped using it, but I don't plan to either! The worst that can happen is that the "growth" breaks off. Your original lashes will stay intact.

    Thanks for commenting! Please give me an update!!


  4. I recently bought Latisse through a $100 rebate program, which means it was basically free. I'm afraid to use it though based on your experience with your corneal problems. Any advice?

  5. I think the Latisse folks would feel all my ailments fell within the "common side effects" clause, (extreme) redness and irritation. I would definitely purchase a thin eyeliner brush at Sephora and NOT use the brushes supplied. I trimmed them, but they were still way to thick, whic often resulted with getting Latisse in my eyes. You already have it, so I would give it a try and see how you react. I know several people who used it without irritation and had great results. However, lashes do return to there original state once you stop using it. Even if I did not have side effects, as much as I loved my insanely long lashes, I could not see using a Glaucoma drug, long term for the sake of vanity (and Y'all know, there is precious little I will NOT do, for the sake of vanity)!

    Best of luck and keep me posted.


  6. Which is better in your opinion, Revitalash or SmartLash?

  7. I find Lash Enhancers work differently on different people. I had no luck with RevitaLash, but have friends whose results were spectaular. I am currently on my 5th week of using Peter Thomas Roth's enhancer and I think it is even better than SmartLash. I will be blogging with pictures shortly. Again, I think it is a very individual reaction...

