Monday, July 5, 2010

Did You Get a Brazilian???

I asked this question, innocuously, to one of my
girlfriends at a recent outdoor dinner party...all the men within earshot, swiveled their heads around and stared at me,  mouth's agape.   NO!!!   Not that Brazilian,  you Neanderthals...the Keratin based hair straightening treatment.  (In fairness, who can blame them...couldn't they have come up with another name not already associated with our choo choo's)?

Humidity, is something we battle in N.Y. like sleep deprived soldiers.  Sultry summer evenings used to mean a sleek arrival,  with a slow descent into hair that resemble cotton candy, somewhere between dinner and dessert...not anymore.  I looked around and counted at 6 friends,  who opted for this Brazilian and swear it is life altering.   I believe you!!!  This may end up defining this century, much as polio vaccines and penicillin, did the last.

What is to be done, if you are not yet ready to take the leap, which is also costly ???   Well, I am on to two products that have kept my hair under control, beautifully, (see pic above), despite heat and humidity that could melt glass.  The first is  Avon's Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield.   The good news is that it is a terrific frizz tamer, effective in up to, "97% humidity, and keeps hair smooth for up to 3 days".  In addition,  it costs $12, considerably less, than Living Proof's groundbreaking frizz beaters.  The bad news is that it is not yet available, but will be soon.   I checked Avon's website, and others who had sampled it,  raved and rated it 4.7 out of 5.  I concur, and will parcel it out like war time chocolate, until it is readily available.

The second is Ted Gibson Hair Sheet Styling/Coiffant, think of it like a wet-nap for your hair.  I haven't a clue when I acquired them, but my hair, after surviving a doubleheader, under the weight of an enormous straw hat, couldn't possibly have looked worse.  It revived my parched, flat head and felt cool and refreshing.  These convenient foil pouches will travel anywhere easily, but I was happier, being able to do a touch up with my blow dryer.  I found Ted's website maddeningly obtuse.  You can purchase 10 sheets for $14.99 at Target  or    For me,  life will now be defined as B.T. and A.T....before and after Ted.   An AK-47 in the battle of the bulge.

So Darlings, I hope this helps and of course I would love for you to chime in with your own weapons of frizz destruction.   Make no mistake---It's a jungle out there.


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