Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving...Bitmoji Style

It's 9:00 am and I'm already starving!!!  I don't think I know anyone who does not cherish this most American holiday, (except of late, the Sr. Management of our retail stores...rant in a moment.) Traditional food favorites that are tweaked from home to home, appear annually on the table. Family members travel in, college students arrive home and we all gather, with appreciation of one another and our good fortune.

Then we digest and more and more, sneak a peek to shop online. I must say, I am disappointed that one of my own family members won't be at the table.  She is the General Manager of a large flagship store and will be working today...Call me crazy, but can't Black Friday wait till Black Friday??? I think it's appalling that this National holiday no longer means that everyone gets the day off to enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday with their loved ones. Is nothing sacred???  

On a lighter note, if you are wondering how "I" appeared cartoon like, wrapped in a turkey, than perhaps you have not yet heard of  Bitmoji, a  free, app that you can download onto your smart phone. Bitmoji  walks you the steps of creating a caricature of your own likeness, as you choose things like facial shape, eye and eyebrow shape, jawline, lip size, skin tone, hair color, body type and clothing style.

Once in place, you never have to speak again as it covers just about every thought or emotion with a cartoon and slogan. They are sweet, charming and fun and I love seeing how my friends have created themselves when I receive them in texts and emails.  Try it! It's a hoot!

I am thankful for many things, my wonderful husband Chris, who will make an amazing turkey, our wonderful son, pussycat and extended family, my splendid retail employers and my second family, the Mitchell's, who not only cherish Thanksgiving as a day for family, but do the same and are not open on Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. My incredible friends, some of whom I have been bonded to since Jr. High School, and knock wood, good health.

I also deeply appreciate you, my loyal, Lovelies. Wishing you a delicious day, safe travels, good health and much love...


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