Friday, September 11, 2015

Review: Maybelline's The Falsies Push-Up Drama Mascara

Maybelline's The Falsies Push-Up Drama Mascara
$7.49 anywhere on the planet...$9.49 in Greenwich, Ct.

I know I'm like the proverbial dog chasing it's tail...I just keep hoping, upon hope, that one day, very soon,I will find my Holy Grail mascara. Not only will it add volume and length and neither flake nor smudge, but it will also be a cheap and cheerful find.

Thus, I couldn't resist picking up Maybelline's newest entry The Falsies Push-Up Drama Mascara whilst on my latest CVS run...

I had high hopes when I pulled the applicator wand out of the tube.  It very much reminded me of Benefit They're Real's brush, a very fine product, except for the need to use turpentine to remove it.

Upon first application, I wanted to know where all my lashes went! Somehow my nice fan of lashes turned into about 7 thin spikes on my upper lids...14 lashes in all.  Second and third coats did me no favors. Oddly, nothing seemed to adhere to the bottom lashes, but whatever did, ended up smudged and flaked under my eyes about 4 hours later.

In short, a mess...Certainly one to skip.

And you are very welcome.  Till next time...


1 comment:

  1. I tried The Falsies Push-Up Drama Mascara one time only. It puts too much mascara(extremely way too much for me)on lashes. I disliked it right away and will never purchase it again. Posted by catsrule12345 at Friday, November 20, 2015
