Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!!

To all the magnificent Mom's out there, I wish you a joyful day.  May you be celebrated for all you do, to keep your family happy and in good health.

To my own Mom and Mother-in-Law, the "Joan's", I thank you for my siblings and my husband, Chris, who I cherish. Truly,  I appreciate that you both always put family first, and thank you for your sacrifices and generosity.

I am so very proud of the loving, caring children my family and friends have raised, now entering young adulthood and in full bloom. Our son, Brendan, graduating college next week, has been a daily source of utter joy, since he popped into this world, all 9 lbs 3 ozs. of him. No love is purer or more laser focused than the one I feel for him, and how I'm sure, you feel about your own children.

Well done Mama's!!! Enjoy your day.


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