Thursday, June 20, 2013



NEW YORK POLYVORE MEET UP by lidia-solymosi on Polyvore

It's been a very busy week, and I am way behind on my posts. Apologies!

Last Friday was a really special day.  Those of you who are long time readers know about my Polyvore addiction. Since I discovered this amazing fashion site, (which is also one of the worlds largest retail website), I have found a way to use my brain to create in a way that my hands never could. It is deeply satisfying and very relaxing. It has also helped me hone my eye and stay ahead of the fashion curve.  

I am not alone in my addiction.  Like minded Fashionistas from all over the globe also create sets on Polyvore everyday. It's a sisterhood of sorts and we are kindly supportive of one another. Friendships blossom from all over the world. How spectacular!

On Friday, I had the opportunity to meet some incredibly talented women at the first New York Polyvore Meet Up. Spearheaded by two amazing creators with huge followings, Lidia and Rosina. their idea became a reality. The Polyvore team, headed by Chrystal Chan, who flew in from their San Francisco Headquarters took us to a wonderful lunch at Mercer Kitchen, around the corner from their office on Broadway in SoHo. We had the opportunity to learn how each of us found "Poly" and what it is about it that fuels our shared passion.

We visited stores and designer showrooms, including that of stunning handbag Dareen Hakim.  We toasted the town at the 230 Fifth Avenue, a rooftop bar with panaromic views of the City and dinner at SaraBeth's. It was a blast!

And it continued for two more days!

Thank you for letting me share my fashion passion along with my beauty musings with you.  Girl Power rocks!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Debbi, what a great dedication to our meetup. It was an amazing weekend one I won't forget. It was so nice to finally meet you and all the Poly ladies who travelled from all over for our first #polyvore #NYC meetup. Can't wait till next year.
