Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Beautiful Gift, Just for Me!


Oh My Goodness!!!

I know that many of my loyal readers really appreciate my beauty reviews best, with my slightly snarky Red Carpet Reviews as a close second, but you have always known that fashion courses through my veins deeply.

When I first started posting my Polyvore sets, which is essentially my own fantasy closet, I know many of you were confused. When you started realizing that I was putting these collages together I believe you came to understand and appreciate them more, by the lovely feedback I have received about them.

What I also tried to express when I have written about Polyvore, is that I am part of an amazing community of equally fashion obsessed women of all ages, who hail from all over the globe.  They are not only talented, but incredibly warm, kind and giving. Can you envision the joy of making new friends from all over the world???

Imagine my complete delight to see this magnificent set created just for me by my friend Emavera, in honor of DivaDebbi's 5th Birthday as well as the launch of Forever Forty Four.

Emavera managed to also put in some of my favorite things: Designer Ralph Rucci, Paris, pink roses, Laduree macarons, great shoes, my dream closet and a clutch  and a bangle I would gladly add to my bulging collection.

Truly, I am overwhelmed and happy that my life is rich in so many areas.
If you didn't understand my obsession before, I hope this helps you to see why Polyvore is not just a place to make pretty pictures, but a true community of friends.

Lovely Emavera, I thank you for this gift, from the bottom of my heart!


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