Saturday, January 26, 2013

Top Sets and Top Stories on Polyvore January 26th, 2013

Aqua, Gold and Bronze

It is always a nice feeling to be chosen as at "Top Set" by the Polvyore Editorial team.  I am so glad they like this set, because it was fun to create and brought me good cheer just to be thinking ahead to Spring.

Polyvore also creates a "Top Trends" page, which I always review. The amazing Fashionista's from all over the world, who create sets, definitely have their finger on the pulse of fashion.  As a result, my eye is sharpened and I see trends long before they hit the runway or street.  I adore this amazing medium and I am grateful that it has allowed me to express my creativity with my hands, where paintbrushes and crayons always failed.

Here is a link to "Spear a Mint Dress"  , a trend they sited and included this set in.

Today I received an email from a dear Blogger friend, Charleston Girl from Best Things in Beauty, one of my daily reads.  In addition to having a penchant for only the finest, CG, as I call her is a great writer, photographer and technical whiz.  She has helped me out of many a glitch.

She wrote me to tell me how much she liked my Polyvore sets and for advice on how to add them to her Blog.  It was delightful to have the shoe on the other foot for a change!

CG is a lady of taste and talent, and I know soon I will be seeing her on Polyvore, where I look forward to seeing her creations. In the meanwhile, do visit her Blog for news on, well, The Best Things in Beauty.

Word to the wise...hide your credit cards.  And they say I'm trouble...


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