Sunday, October 14, 2012

Understanding Clothing Care Labels: One of life's great mysteries SOLVED!

One of my dear friends and clients is Co-Editor of an amazing website called A Sharp Eye. I have written about them before.  It is a fabulous site for quick, informative bites about culture, health, technology and of course shopping!

One of my other friends and clients sent me this to make sure I didn't miss it...
OMG what a relief!!! Truly I look at these labels and glaze--they might have been written in Mandarin.

With A Sharp Eye's permission, I am reposting this for my readers.  This gives you a flavor of some of the mysteries they unravel!  Sign up for a free subscription and you too, will always be "in the know".

Who knew???  Now you will too...


What the what???
Understanding clothing care labels
It turns out that I’m not the only person who doesn’t understand the clothing care labels inside my clothing!  I’m so relieved.  I learned in this month’s Vogue that there are 43 international laundry symbols.  Honestly, I have trouble remembering the names of my friend’s children, how can I possibly be expected to keep track of 43 laundry symbols?
First of all, who knew it was a bucket we are looking at on the tag? Second, how were we supposed to know that the dots inside the bucket for washing and the circle for drying represent temperature?  We hope these charts are helpful. We urge you to print them out and post them next to your washing machine and dryer so you won’t be tempted to memorize them.
The following charts from the Textile Industry Affairs website were the most helpful.

For more information go to

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