Tuesday, July 17, 2012

GLO Brilliant Review: Results Day 2

Last night was my second night of using my award winning GLO Brilliant Personal Whitening Device. I will admit that my anxiety level is now zero, after learning directly from Stacey Levine, Co- Founder, that you are NOT expected NOT to swallow, in a given 8 minute session. 

I had read reviews from others who found not spitting to be a challenge as well, but in truth, there is no issue in swallowing. Basically, it is just your own saliva. The gel product adheres safely to your teeth only.

In my opinion, this should be one of the key questions asked and answered in Dr. Jonathan Levine's FAQ page in the instruction manual. It seems to be a point of confusion and it's the only thing that would make using GLO Brilliant cumbersome.

Now I'm a pro at handling the equipment and the procedure.  I whitened away, while watching one of my guilty pleasures, Real Housewives of New York, (sidebar to Sonja; don't quit your day job...Oh.  That's right--you don't have one.) The commercials seemed perfectly timed to the end each of my 4, eight minute segments.


Here's the update in pictures:

Day 1 BEFORE GLO Brilliant

Day 1 AFTER GLO Brilliant

Day 2 AFTER GLO Brilliant

It's subtle, but I definitely see an improvement.  Do you?

Don't forget to check back tomorrow.


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