Sunday, December 4, 2011

DivaDebbi's Rules of Beauty Civility: Salon Etiquette

This blog is going to sound a wee cranky, because I am a wee cranky.  I'm also writing this with an ice pack on my head as I nurse the after effects of the full blown migraine I woke up with yesterday. If you wish to skip this blog, I get it!   Read on at your own risk and  if you think I'm off base...let me have it!

These days, women are busier than ever.  Much of that can be attributed to the schedules of our children, who are also busier than ever with long days jammed with school, after school  and weekend activities that require chauffeuring and cheering. Toss in work, working out, volunteering, food shopping, meal preparation and managing our social lives and particularly in the burbs, you've got a bunch of very busy bees.

I think even the men get it self respecting man with an ounce of intelligence will ever utter, "So.  What did you do all day"?,  recognizing that leisurely shopping and spa days, were not on tap.

Where am I going with all of this?  To the unspoken Rules of  Beauty Civility when it comes to salon etiquette, those houses that we worship to carve out a little "me time", to read a magazine, write, or enjoy a neck massage.  Out of respect to your fellow patron, do turn off your cell phone, text if you wish, but PLEASE, do not bring your screaming, crying baby to sit on your lap with you while you have your roots touched up.

This may have been the single rudest, most inconsiderate thing I have ever seen a mother, with a choice, do.  What should she have done besides subjecting her baby to chemicals, upsetting the stylists concentration, destroying the peaceful harmony of her fellow patrons and putting management in an uncomfortable position?

Simple.  ( And yes, chances are her babysitting plans went awry. With my head splitting, I was evilly fantasizing about a leash and a parking meter).  No matter what the state of her roots, black or white, the polite thing, the civil thing to do, was to reschedule.

What say you?  Do you agree or do you think she broke the Rules of Beauty Civility, or was well within her beauty rites to get her roots touched up no matter what the impact on others???



  1. I totally agree with you! I hate screaming babies in restaurants that are clearly bar-like or adult oriented, and a salon? Just NO. Poor you. What a nightmare. I hope you complained to the salon owner.

  2. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for the support Sweetie!
    It's a large salon and they are wonderful to me. I didn't complain, but I did "discuss". I think it caught everyone off guard. Hopefully management will discuss it to figure out how to handle it, should the situation occur again.
    I think it was uncomfortable for everyone. I couldn't help wondering what was going through her head...

  3. Completely agree with you. It's just not appropriate for the baby or other clients.

  4. Totally agree with you...sorry your "me time" got messed up due to someone else's inconsiderate behavior. One of the issues is that if/when you say something to a cellphone talker-screaming baby toter-inconsiderate patron they make YOU feel like you've done something wrong. What's that about? Even if you ask them politely...
    I am pleased to say that my nail salon has posted a number of signs asking folks not to speak on their cellphones (it mostly, but not always, works). My solution to the hair salon issue is to go first thing in the morning. It works.
    Just hoping your icepack did the job.

  5. I couldn't agree with you more. A baby (or any child under 10 shouldn't be expected to sit quiet and polite at the salon. No Mommies, it is not ok.

  6. Seems as though this mom was only thinking about herself. Cannot handle selfish people. She definitely should have made other arrangements. Not question about it! Karen M.

  7. We've all been there with a screaming baby....why would we ever subject other women to more of it? Not a woman's woman at all. Laura L

  8. I don't think you're out of line at all. Even if she has no respect for the other PAYING customers whose peace was shattered, you would think she would want to protect her precious darling from the harsh chemicals! That woman has no class.

  9. Well Ladies,
    Thank you! I really did write this post, post migraine and I was not sure if my reaction was justified. Kindness, consideration and good manners make the world a more peaceful place. I have always tried my best to set that example for my son. I guess I hit a nerve!


  10. I own a hair salon. Its 1000 sq feet so what goes on in the waiting room can be heard throughout. How do I handle the screaming baby and cell phones. I have a clienypt who talks so loud or has her music on over mine through her cell. What do I do?

  11. The first thing I would do is have a sign printed that said, "For the comfort of all clients, please mute all electronic devices" Thank you.
    Screaming babies are a touchy issue. You might try saying something like, "I think the babies must be upset by all the activity and blow dryers. Next time little Chris might be comfortable at home. We are not really set up to keep them calm and happy.

