Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can It

I don't know why the idea of spraying myself with aerosol foundation is even remotely appealing to me, but somehow, it is.   I envision a misty veil of perfectly placed, flawless, nearly invisible makeup, that does not require the touch of human hands.

A few months back, I was asked to try the Temptu Air Brush Foundation System.  This is what the Pros use, backstage at Fashion Week and what many makeup artists prefer to use on their celeb clients before Red Carpet appearances.  Of course, I accepted.  What I couldn't have anticipated, was that a black case, the size of a dishwasher, would show up at my front door...Neh-vah mind!!! Can you pick this bad boy up???   Nope!  Be careful what you hope for...

My DNA  is missing a mechanical strand...I took one look inside that case and decided to bring it to work, where my friend Angela, (who could probably be an Astronaut), put it together, so I could create a DivaDebbi YouTube video about it.  The makeup and finished application is honestly, gorgeous.  You can see why it is so popular with the Pros, but it is hard to imagine a layperson or even a  makeup fanatic (uh-hmm), going through the rigor of rigging up the equipment, pod and sprayer everyday, (not to mention the expense).

This brings me to Sally Hansen's (New)! Airbrush Spray Makeup,  inspired by Carmindy,  their consulting  celebrity makeup artist, whose preference is towards natural  ingredients.   What I was hoping to do, was  duplicate a $350 experience for $14.99. It comes in four shades.  I chose the "deep", since I am still nursing the last remnants of my summer tan.  The instructions clearly say to spray it directly on your hand and then apply it to your face.  Not me!  I wanted to mist it on  my face, like the Temptu.  Big Mistake!

I know it is supposed to be infused with olive oil and chamomile, but all I could think of, (particularly with the clicking sound of metal balls when shaken as directed),  was  Krylon spray paint.  Wet and noxious.  Did I now have foundation on my uvula?   Quite possibly.  Alright, not fair.   Do-over.  I tried it as directed, spraying it on my hand and then applying it.  I still found myself choking.  How did it look?  Non-descript...colorless,  more  air than  airbrushed.

Have I gotten the Airbrush system out of my system?  Probably not, but odds are, neither have the "paint" people either. So hopefully, the future will bring the best of all worlds:  easy price, easy to use, and flawless coverage.

I'll be sure to keep you covered...


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