Sunday, November 22, 2009

Beauty Duty

I am quick to throw my hat in the ring, whenever I have a chance to learn about cutting edge Beauty and Health advances.

When that same ring involves raising money to help properly outfit our troops with critical combat gear for their safety, (helmet, rifle, body armor, side arm and appropriate boots for climate and terrain), I feel it is my beauty duty to be there. When the lecture is being given by the internationally famous Dr. Neil Gordon, I wouldn't miss it and neither should you!!! ---And I haven't even spilled the best part yet...

On Tuesday, December 1st, Eillhys England, who founded Soldiers for the Truth with her late husband, Col. David Haakworth, is hosting an amazing event. It is truly the ultimate Girls Night Out! Great food, great wine and the great Dr. Gordon, who will speak to 75 attendees about Beauty and Health in 2010.

Your $100 donation guarantees a fun and informative night...and it may also win you a free face and neck lift with Dr. Gordon!!! (Other cosmetic procedures can be substituted, for the same value).

Between now and April 1st, only 500 tickets will be sold (and will include a complementary invitation to the next Beauty and Health Event). The value of this service is nearly priceless, not just because he is waiving his fee, in support of our troops, but because he has discreetly done face and neck work, on some of the most beautiful women on camera today. True beauties, who looks as fresh and radiant, as they did in the prime of their youth. That's genius. (I am dying to name names...but I can't, damn it).

The event will be held at the Penthouse of the Roger Sherman Hotel 48th St. and Lexington Ave, at 5:30 p.m. Availability is limited, but tickets are available to purchase, and will guarantee you an invitation to another event plus your hat in the free face and neck lift ring!

For tickets and information, please call Moira at 203-629- 0288 or email You are welcome to purchase more than one ticket to increase your chances, while doing a very good deed, duty.

Hope to see you there!


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