Sunday, August 26, 2012

Laura Mercier: Helping Women Fight Ovarian Cancer

 Is Ovarian Cancer the Bogeyman???  In a word, YES!

I received this email from my friends at Kaplow P.R. who represent Laura Mercier, a brand fave of mine. I was touched and pleased to see a major cosmetics company championing Ovarian Cancer for a change. 

I’m honored to share the news that this September will mark the unveiling of the Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynecological cancers in the United States, and the fifth leading cause of cancer death among American women.

Beginning in September 2012, in recognition of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Laura Mercier will donate100 percent of the profits from the sale of two products – Bonne Mine Healthy Glow for Face & Cheeks Crème Colour Palette and Rose Hope Lip Glacé – to the Fund. In the meanwhile, you can order these beautiful items online at Laura Mercier.

Rose Hope Lip Glace $24
Bonne Mine Healthy Glow For Face and Cheeks $48
100 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the
Laura Mercier Ovarian Cancer Fund

This cause is very near and dear to the hearts of Laura Mercier, and the company’s President and CEO, Claudia Poccia. Both women have been personally touched by the disease – Laura through a dear friend, and Claudia through her sister.

As we speak, my dear friend Debbie is battling this devastating disease. She knows how loved she is and how much we are championing her recovery.

Don't get me wrong.  I am myself a long term breast cancer survivor (knock wood, poo poo, spit spit), and actively fund raise for the cause.  The spectacular work and hundreds of millions of dollars that have been raised by the Lauder companies and Avon provides money for research, help and hope.

The challenge with ovarian cancer is that fewer women are diagnosed with it than breast cancer, and thus it gets less funding an attention.  It's more deadly than breast cancer, yet it is the neglected stepsister.

In the last 30 years, there have been huge strides in the detection and treatment of breast cancer.  Not so for ovarian cancer.  In fact, there have been NO STRIDES.

The reason ovarian cancer is referred to as the, "silent killer" is simple and sad.  The symptoms are vague and mimic things that women don't associate with gynecological problems, like back pain, bloating and frequent urination to name a few.  Women often lose precious time seeking treatment from Chiropractors, Gastroenterologists and Urologists.  By the time they see their Gynecologist, (who will then recommend them to an Gynecological Oncologist), their cancers are often in advanced stages.

Please read the information below to familiarize yourself with symptoms and factors that may elevate your personal risk, it could be life saving.  Please share it:

There is no screening method for early detection for ovarian cancer.  The symptoms of the disease are vague, and are not always gynecologic.  But research shows that  women with ovarian cancer often report having the following symptoms: 
  • A swollen or bloated abdomen, increased girth.  Some women notice that their pants or skirts are getting tight around the waist. The bloating is a sign that fluid, called ascites, is building up in the abdominal cavity in later stage disease
  • Persistent pressure or pain in the abdomen or pelvis 
  • Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
  • Urinary concerns, such as urgency or frequency
  • Change in bowel habits with new onset constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding

Any woman may have these symptoms for reasons not related to ovarian cancer.  However, if these symptoms are new and unusual, and persist daily for more than two weeks, a woman should see her doctor, preferably a gynecologist, and should ask about ovarian cancer.  

Factors that may increase the risk of ovarian cancer:

  • Family history of cancer: Women with a grandmother, mother, daughter or sister with ovarian cancer are at higher risk for the disease. Women with a family history of cancer of the breast, uterus, colon or rectum may also have an increased risk of the disease.
  • Strong family history of cancer of the ovary or breast: Several women in a family having ovarian or breast cancer, especially if it occurs at a young age, is deemed a strong family history for cancer. In such cases, a doctor may recommend a genetic test that can show the presence of specific gene changes or mutations in genes called BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Having these changes in the genes greatly increase the risk ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Approximately 10-15 percent of epithelial ovarian cancers are caused by the inheritance of mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and a few other identified genes (including MLH1, MSH2, or MSH6, called Lynch Syndrome) . What is responsible for the remaining 90 percent of ovarian cancer is unknown. OCRF supports research to find out why cancer occurs in certain women and not others. 
  • Personal history of cancer or endometriosis: Women who have had cancer of the breast, uterus, colon or rectum have a higher risk of ovarian cancer.  Having endometriosis increases the risk of clear cell and endometrioid ovarian cancers by 2-3 fold
  • Age over 55: Most women are over age 55 when diagnosed with ovarian cancer
  • No pregnancies: Older women who have never been pregnant are at increased risk
  • Menopausal hormone therapy: Women who take estrogen by itself, without progesterone, for 10 years or more may have an increased risk of ovarian cancer, studies suggest.

Don't forget to take good care of yourself and to consider making a beautiful purchase for a beautiful cause...

I will, giving a gift to Debbie and others in the process.




  1. Wow great news fellow bc survivor!
    I am on my 6 th year!

  2. Congrats to you Monica!!! Always stay on top of your stuff. Much continued good health to you.

