Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holy Guacamole

Deeply embedded in my memory banks, along with Bonne Bell Face Gloss and Yardley Lipsticks, is a loop of I Love Lucy favorites, of which I could never tire.

Sure, there are classics, like the Vita-Veta-Vegemin and Chocolate Factory episodes, but there were others I found equally hilarious...remember when Ricky decides he is going bald??? Lucy conspires to snap him out of his depression by administering stinky, gooey, painful hair growing treatments, in their kitchen. Ingredients included plenty of olive oil, raw eggs and mustard, hand tossed, suctioned with a plunger and topped with a silk stocking. Lucy is sure he will never endure this torture again and Ricky demands she up the treatments to several times a week---and they say women are vain!

All of this came flooding back to me recently, after sampling Sponge skin care's Avocado Oil Face Treatment. I recently wrote about their Jasmine Aromatherapy mist, which I apply daily to set my makeup and again if I am refreshing it before touch-ups. The purity of this simple, organic, effective line of skin care from Greece intrigues me. I couldn't wait to try it before bed. I also loved the idea of using it around my eyes and on my neck and chest...despite all evidence to the contrary, I really do want to simplify my makeup and skincare regimens. Multi-taskers give me goose bumps (in a good way though).

Sponge, nicely sent me several samples. As you might surmise, it is a rich golden green and smell and feels rich, earthy and well oily, hence the flash back to the Ricardo's kitchen.

I am about two weeks in and still get used to the texture. Somehow, decades passed adolescence, it still feels counter-intuitive to massage oil onto my face. I think I have a pretty good idea about how Ricky felt...yet there is not a chance I won't finish them to the last drop. I am pretty sure it's working...


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